Top 5 Natural Homemade Skin Toner Recipes

In the 21st century, pollutants in the air and the abundant use of cosmetics on a daily basis leave harmful residue on the skin. Therefore cleaners are used to open the pores of the skin so the residues can be easily removed.  Skin toner or toner is a lotion or wash that clean those dirt and grimes, close that enlarged pores and at the same time replenish and hydrate the skin. In the absence of a proper skin toner for regular use, we may even develop fine lines and other symptoms related to skin related aging. Rosewater toner finds its application in almost every household due to its unique ability to cleanse the skin and giving it a refreshing look. There are mainly four different types of skin namely normal skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, and one must use skin toners with caution as all products are not conducive to use for a particular skin type. Aloe vera is very healthy for oily skin but must be avoided by people having dry and sensitive skin. Apple cedar vinegar is also a remarkable skin toner but must find mention mostly as an oily-skin toner. It has become even more important to make our own toners as the products available in the market contain excessive alcoholic content and preservatives which may harm the skin in the long run. Home-made skin toners tighten up the pores of the skin and keep the skin smooth and supple. There is various type of natural skin toners present for different types of skin. We have chosen the top ten toners that covers almost all skin type.



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