Home Remedies for Whiteheads Removal

In this article, we are discussing several home remedies to for whiteheads removal. Are you frustrated of those ugly-looking whiteheads spotting on your face? Whiteheads are also known as closed comedones. They are a form of acne caused due to skin clogged pores trapped with dirt, dead skin and sebum. They mostly occur on the cheeks, nose, forehead and temples. They are alike blackheads but emerges as small yellow or white bumps as they produce under the surface of closed pores. People with overactive sebaceous glands and due to excess sebum production are more tend to grow whiteheads. This generally happens due to genetic factors or hormonal changes.

Whiteheads are in fact a form of acne. Whiteheads are normally seen in the face, particularly on the chin and nose. Whiteheads are generally produced, when the skin becomes blocked because of various factors such as dirt, oil and bacteria. There are times when people cannot differentiate between whiteheads and blackheads. Keep in mind that blackheads are black in color while whiteheads may look yellow or white hence the same. The reason why whiteheads hold the white color is because it generally forms under the skin. They do not get oxidized. This article will tell you how to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally



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